Sunday, November 16, 2008

waitin' in line

Today I was waiting in line at Peets 3 deep to purchase Major D's whole bean coffee, a present for my father's birthday. The lady who was ordering her coffee at the front of the line was taking an absurd amount of time: ordering her beans, deciding that she didn't want the free coffee, wanting to buy a gift card, handing the lady her debit card when she then decided to write a check. The guy standing directly in front of me looked back at me and rolled his eyes as if to say, "Can you believe this lady?" I wanted to respond with an eye roll back that stated, "I really can't believe you."

The man standing in front of me was a couple of inches shorter than me which gave me an excellent view the back of his hair. He had gray hair, dyed brown, complete with a full comb-over...but that's not all. It appeared that his scalp was spray painted brown (how or why I had no idea). I just couldn't help but stare, trying to figure who he was trying to fool. To top off his hair was his outfit: he wore his jeans low and had an oversized, turquoise blue t-shirt with hip, bold graphics.

As we both waited to order our coffee I really should have had a heart to heart with my bald-headed line mate. Where I would gently tell him that his up do and outfit were not fooling anyone. And that he should embrace his age; after all, Oprah said it herself that 50 was the new 20. But, after he ordered his beans (in record time), I had no heart to heart and the man left with his coffee beans and drink in hand, still thinking he had fooled us all.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we rarely look in the rear view mirror to see what every one else is seeing. We just poise and pose ourselves in front of the mirror trying to get the "right angle." Nope, we're not fooling anyone!

Anonymous said...

By the way, Britany, I love your new profile picture!

Anonymous said... this. it's so true. maybe i should start spray-painting "hair" on my face and see if i can fool anyone.