Monday, November 17, 2008

parkin' it

Ollie and I went to the park on Saturday. This is a great shot of him... falling. Do you see his leg and little converse in the air? That's right I was taking a picture while my little guy fell off the play structure. Poor Ollie. Funny picture.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh i had such mixed feelings while i was looking at this picture. at first, i thought...what the heck is this a picture of? and then i read the description and immediately started laughing out loud as i saw his little shoe. then i went to "aww poor ollie!!"...and then started laughing again. this is just one of those priceless moments on film (or "digital film"!)
give my lil nephew a kiss for me!

Britany said...

you said it sister... that is why the quality of the picture is so bad. i was watching it happen through my camera. i rushed over to wipe off the sand that was stuck to his snotty nose and his lips made sure he wasn't bleeding and he then ran off to play again. then i looked at the picture and couldn't help but laugh.

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with ing-a-rid. i laughed out loud. then i look and said, "awww. poor ollie." then i laughed again. at least the little guy didnt get hurt.

Anonymous said...

Ditto, ditto - Yep, I'd be checking for blood and teeth!Poor little guy. Keep on truckin', Oliver!

Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary said...

priceless! i was actually laughing OUT LOUD. so sorry for your little guy....but serioulsy...LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

just bad parenting. like those children raised in meth lab homes. i bet they fall over too. un supervised. shame on you elfstalker.

Britany said...

anonymous= craig zimmerman. yeah i know who you are!

Anonymous said...
