Saturday, December 13, 2008

throwing a ball

You can almost see this coming.


Anonymous said...

That was SOOOOOO funny!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i thought henry was gonna run over oliver. not you! but that was hilarious! oh brit!

w i n n i e said...

Oooooo britany!!! yes almost see it coming.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't already, you should put that on YouTube. And especially tag it for laughing baby, because just Oliver's laugh alone had me guffawing! (now there's a word for you) Love you guys!

Chanda Erselius said...

Love it. It was good to hear your voice if even for just a quick second. Can't wait to see you friend!

Anonymous said...

i watched this video a million times and it still makes me laugh. a lot and every time.

the mathisons said...

I miss Henry!

Anonymous said...

i honestly keep watching this...i totally was not expecting something to happen to you, which made it even funnier. SO hilarious!! :)

Anonymous said...

i still watch this video and i think i get crazy looks from my roommate when i bust out laughing histerically. this is one of the many reasons you are my friend.